IQ and schizophrenia: A recent study by Virginia Commonwealth University and Lund University sought to evaluate the relationship between IQ and schizophrenia. In popular culture, IQ and schizophrenia are usually thought to be positively associated. For instance, the famous mathematician John Nash shared a Nobel prize in economics for his work on game theory and differential geometry. John Nash’s schizophrenia was portrayed in the movie A Beautiful Mind. The recently published study tracked 1.2 million Swedish males aged 18-20 born between 1951 and 1975, and monitored the frequency of schizophrenia-related hospitalizations over a 24-year period. The founding disproved popular theory that IQ and schizophrenia are positively correlated. In fact, the findings of the study suggest that higher IQ is negatively correlated with schizophrenia-related hospitalizations. The authors of the study conclude that high IQ may confer some degree of protective benefit against schizophrenia.